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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for


Proficient Reading: 31%


Distinguished Reading: 16%


Proficient Math: 30%


Distinguished Math: 5%



Proficient Reading: 19%


Distinguished Reading: 9%


Proficient Math: 17%


Distinguished Math: 5%



Proficient Reading: 19%


Distinguished Reading: 9%


Proficient Math: 15%


Distinguished Math: 3%




Instructional leaders annually complete 21 hours of intensive training “designed to improve and maintain the quality of effectiveness of instructional leadership in the public schools of the Commonwealth.” Training providers and programs are approved by KDE based on program content, instructional processes, and impact upon participants. In order to be approved for EILA credit, training program content should align to AdvancED Standards for Quality Schools, as well as follow Kentucky’s Professional Learning Standards, Instructional Leaders as defined by KRS 156.101 include:

  • Assistant Principal
  • Supervisors of Instruction
  • Guidance Counselor
  • Director of Special Education
  • Superintendents, and positions requiring superintendent certification
  • Other positions deemed by the EPSB to require an administrative certificate

EILA Requirements

  • Annually complete twenty-one (21) hours of KDE approved training with superintendent, or designee, approval of training program selections
  • Training program should meet identified needs based upon the personnel evaluation, the individual professional growth plan, and self-assessments of the instructional leaders
  • All certificates for participants kept on file by each local district for three (3) years
  • If employed for 100 days in the same position during a school year, the twenty-one (21) hours must be completed
  • Verification of attendance at approved EILA training sessions are recorded with district Professional Development Coordinator no later than June 30 of each year
    • Names of any instructional leader not completing twenty-one (21) hours of EILA training are submitted to KDE by August 30 each year
    • The following one (1) year is a probationary period when:
          a). Required training for the prior year and current year are completed
          b). Required training hours are not completed, information is forwarded to the EPSB, instructional
               leader's certificate is revoked. [KRS 156.101 (4)(d)]

EILA Credit Attainment

1. Up to twelve (12) hours earned in the month of June may be credited toward the next year

2. Serving on KTIP committees, established under KRS 161.030(6):

  • three (3) participant-hours credit for one (1) beginning teacher committee
  • maximum six (6) hours for more than one (1) committee

3. Up to six (6) hours may be counted for attendance at education conferences per school year, with superintendent, or designee, approval and verification of attendance

Caution: Do NOT assume that simply attending a leadership training that does not have an approved EILA number will count as EILA hours. All EILA hours MUST have a previously applied for EILA approval number BEFORE they will count. The only exception is attendance at a national conference (6 hours).

If an employee needs EILA hours to maintain an administrative certification but is not hired by CIPS as an administrator, they need to collect and submit those EILA hours on their own.