LOGGING IN TO VECTOR SOLUTIONS:www.goteachpoint.com and click the LOGIN link in the top right corner using your District ID, Login ID, and password (passwords are case sensitive) VIEWING YOUR TRANSCRIPT: Click the graduation cap (PD Tracking) on the left of your screen and your transcript will appear. QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR HOURS: If you have any questions or feel there is an error with your hours, please contact Davana Herron at Central Office via email or by telephone at davana.herron@covington.kyschools.us or 859.392.1007. TRAINING: Below is a link to our training webinar videos for teachers and evaluators as well as a link to register for Live Webinars: https://support.vectorevaluationsplus.com/s/article/Live-Webinar-Registration HELP CENTER: For any questions, issues, or to browse our knowledge base support articles please check out Vector Solutions Help Center: https://support.vectorevaluationsplus.com/s/ While logged into the software, you can click on your name in the top right corner and select "Help" or you can click on the question mark icon. SUPPORT: You may also contact the Vector Solutions Support & Training team for any issues: Email: support.vectorevaluationsplus@vectorsolutions.com Phone: 1-866-202-9455x2 After setting up your password, you will be asked to login. To access the login page go to |